Hi, I’m Jozi…


Jozi is short for Jo-Ann and Jozi is my hometown of Johannesburg, South Africa.

That’s where I trained and worked as a social worker since 1991. It’s where I met and studied under Margaret Fields Kean, a renowned intuitive whose Near Death Experience catalyzed the formulation of a system to map and tap the unconscious body for healing purposes.

I offer an integration of her system with traditional talk therapy through my own modality, the Unconscious Mapping System.

With this system, I am here to help you move from unconscious patterns to conscious choices. To read the navigation coordinates when you’re lost, and guide you along the path of your soul journey.


I am …

a listener, empath, speaker, expressive artist, dancer, drummer, healer, mother, daughter, sister, lover, friend, corporate drumming event facilitator, zumba instructor, and personal development coach.

I’ve been doing this healing work in some form or another for over 30 years.

In addition to the one-on-one sessions, I offer UMS for groups, couples, and families.

Click here to learn about pricing & packages, or contact me for questions or booking.

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“My body needed my attention. I had been suffering with an unidentified upper respiratory tract infection for weeks and felt horrible because of it. On an emotional/mental level I had been dealing with an extremely challenging situation with an ex-client. I knew the two were connected, but I could not fathom the depth thereof. With Jozi's assistance, it all became clear. Knowing where it came from brought much relief! Jozi took me through a guided meditation in which I could give myself what I needed at that moment and ensure that this experience becomes one of growth and evolution. I felt like a bridge was built between two experiences and information, knowledge and wisdom could now travel between the two. It brought much emotional relief and the physical symptoms dissipated by the following morning. I am so grateful for her gentleness and more so by the authenticity and respect she showed throughout our interaction. Thank you sweet soul. You have a client for life!!!”

— Suzette, Clinical Psychologist